Thursday, 14 December 2017


How To Prepare Pasta Salad. 

Preparing salad seem to be one of the easiest and healthiest quick recipe that one can grab on the go.

Truth be told,  I think the only thing I find a little bit tasking in it's preparation is having to slice all ingredients into similar shapes.  Once I am done with that,  every other decoration is a minor task.

Today I want to show you how to prepare simple delicious healthy pasta ( macaroni) salad. 

Please don't let that startle you. By pasta salad we simply mean, adding hard boiled macroni  to your salad.

Here are the fresh and canned vegetables I used. 

1.  Cabbage
2. Carrot
3. Green peaz
4.  Green pepper
5. Beetroot
6. Hot dog
7. Sweet corn
8. Irish potatoes
9.  Egg
10. Baked beans
11. Kidney beans
12. Salad cream
13. Fresh tomatoes
14. Lemon
15. Spring onions.

This is what the ingredients should look like after there are neatly cut into small sizes

After neatly slicing them,  simply mix them one layer at a time and serve with any grain of your choice.

So,  here is your simple pasta salad ready to be eaten with cream and any grain of your choice. 

Bon Appetit!


  1. Did you not cook the green beans before adding it to the salad?

    1. No I didn't. I love my vegetables fresh and crunchy coupled with the fact that, the hotness of the pasta will naturally soften the vegetables. Notwithstanding, you can still steam your green peaz if that's how best you enjoy it.
